A Look Back

Because I’m unoriginal let’s take a look back on the year of blog posts. At the beginning of the year I set out to write a blog post every Saturday at 4PM for the entire year. I did…OK? Most blog posts were not put out on Saturday. They usually came out on Tuesday after Saturday. Why did I start a blog? I had a blog. Why did I have a blog? Because people have them. I didn’t post that often, I wanted to try to do something over the course of the year so I wrote blog posts. I actually missed a week…

So about the posts:
Posts to date (not including this one): 59

Shortest Post (not actually the shortest but yeah): The Blog Post for Last Week – July 9th
Longest Post at 1325 words: Race – August 25th
Most Effort Post: It’s OK To Not Like Things – August 12th. Took me 3-4 hours to complete this post because I made an audio recording of it. Never again.

Top 5 Viewed Posts

1 at 96 views: Relationships – September 9th

2 at 71 views: Hack Beanpot 2014: Post Mortem – February 9th

3 at 53 views: Everything Will Be OK – February 17th

4 at 47 views: Gathering Kindling – October 17th

5 at 44 views: Surface Pro 3 vs Macbook Pro 13″ – July 29th

Unpublished Posts – Posts that had a title and some idea behind it but were never written. Probably will never write them up either.
Technology and You

Things I Read On The Internet Series – I read a lot of reddit. These two blogs were about things that bothered me enough to write a blog post about it.
Not Having Kids is Irresponsible – January 15th
Vigilante Justice is OK – May 31st

Hackathons – I went to 4 hackathons this year. Hackathons are fun.
GGJ 2014: The Aftermath – January 27th
Hack Beanpot 2014: Post Mortem – February 9th
HackMIT: The Ends – October 6th
YHack Post Mortem – November 2nd

Tech Related Stuffs – I wrote a couple tech related posts. Early on (January) they were about Twixel which I recently (September 5th) released. Some were about being a computer science major. Probably going to continue not writing that many tech posts. Or maybe I will. Who knows? Not me.

Poptart Kid – In October I wanted to try something new. I was kind of tired writing the same what happened this week, what are my thoughts on whatever posts so I wrote a story. A story about a kid. A kid who has no idea what hes doing. This kid eats strawberry poptarts. I wrote them out of order because when I wrote the first one at that point I didn’t know if I wanted to continue on the story. By the time I wrote the second one I figured that I should finish the story in some way. The titles are inspired by campfires. Out of control campfires. Poptart Kid may become a short film. Poptart Kid has no name. He doesn’t need a name. He just eats poptarts.

The story in the order that it should be read:
Gathering Kindling – October 17th
Lighting Matches – October 27th
Playing With Fire – October 11th
Fueling the Blaze – October 29th
Inferno – October 31st

That’s about it. There are two more blog posts that I actually need to write. I may however do this again next year. People have told me that they enjoy my blog posts. It still surprises me. My favorite post? I don’t know. There are a couple that I put more thought into than the others. Those would probably be my favorite. Also I just realized that it’s Friday so off to watch Korra.