Why Hello There
Programming is really time consuming, frustrating, and usually makes you hate yourself when you cannot figure something out. When you do get something to work you are surprised that nothing horribly wrong happened. Over my winter break I went from the newly released League of Legends API to the somewhat annoying Twitch API. The League API has great documentation and was easy to create a library for. I also created a library for the Twitch API but that one had less reliable documentation. Some of the documentation on the wiki was different than what the JSON actually returned (but its self-describing so I should have expected that). I also went from trying to create a Windows 8 store app with the League API to trying to create a store app with the Twitch API.
I thought making store apps would be pretty simple. I’ve worked with Windows Forms so clearly something from .NET 2.0 should easily translate to something from .NET 4.5. This however isn’t true and XAML is more of a distant cousin to the Windows Forms I somewhat knew. Once I can get data binding down maybe an app will work.
Today I spent all day programming the Twitch app and right when I try to embed a stream object into the app I find out that Windows Store apps don’t support Flash inside them so I need to figure out a new way to make streams and chat work. I think I can get chat working with and IRC library. Yep, have to make a mini IRC client inside the app to get chat working because chat on Twitch for some reason has to run through Flash. Streams I still have no idea how to get working yet but I’m sure I’ll find something because these guys got something working…
Besides that Happy New Year! Time to read Reddit instead of finishing those projects you wanted to finish…