Mirror's Edge Hype

So I didn’t watch the Microsoft presentation because I was sleeping. Looks like I didn’t miss much anyway. Watched the EA presentation. Only cared about Mirror’s Edge. I am so ready for that game. Battlefield Hardline would be kind of cool if Battlefield 4 wasn’t the huge clusterfuck that it is. Also the fact that it feels like EA is milking the franchise as hard as Activision milks Call of Duty. The game went into closed beta today though and I’m going hopefully get to play it. However there is no chance that I will buy the game. I’m basically done with Battlefield. Battlefield 3 was a great leap from Battlefield 2 but Battlefield 4 was only a minor step up with a whole lot of issues. Would not buy again.
However Mirror’s Edge looks great. It looks like one of the only games DICE and EA still give a shit about. It looks like they want to get the game right instead of rushing it out to make money. When they announce pre-order I am literally buying everything that you can get with the game. They even put up t-shirts on their online store and it took a lot of willpower not to instantly buy one. I may still buy one ( >_>)…